The new Sustainability Report 2023

We are passionate about protecting our planet and developing quality cleaning products to do so. Sustainability and quality are part of our vision, and our aim is to combine the two. Really clean for a future worth living. With a focus on recycled materials, the use of clean energy and low-carbon production, we are continuously working to reduce our emissions to zero. Find out how and by when we will achieve this in the report.



Who we are and what is important to us

As a family-run company, Buzil has stood for continuous quality and decades of experience since 1907. Our production takes place 100% in Germany. We develop high-quality cleaning products and services in which effectiveness and sustainability go hand in hand.

Our vision: Really clean for a future worth living

Right symbolises our pursuit of integrity and excellence in everything we do. Clean symbolises our aim to offer effective products and solutions and to protect the health of our customers and the environment. Liveable emphasises our desire to contribute to the quality of life. Looking to the future, Buzil is committed to developing innovative and sustainable solutions.

Since March 2023, all 1-litre plastic bottles from Buzil have had a 30% recycled content. This is a step towards improving the recyclability of our products. Since August 2023, our 600 ml bottles have been equipped with the same proportion of recyclate.

Around half of our canisters are converted to PCR

We are planning to switch our 5, 10 and 20 litre canisters completely to PCR plastic, provided they do not contain hazardous goods. This means that around half of all canisters will be made from recycled material in future. This step will significantly reduce the need for new crude oil-based plastic. The illustration of the 1-litre bottle also shows other ways in which we are consistently working on our packaging solutions.

We received platinum for the second time in a row

We are proud that our Ecovadis certification also achieved platinum status in 2023. This award confirms our performance in the areas of environment, labour and human rights, ethics and procurement. Only 1% of all companies assessed by Ecovadis have been awarded Platinum. Ecovadis is one of the world's most prestigious sustainability ratings. We are delighted to have been recognised by this independent platform as making a major contribution to global sustainability.

Climate neutrality at the Memmingen site

We are setting an example. Our Scope 1 and 2 emissions were fully offset in 2022 and 2023. Despite increasing production volumes, our emissions have fallen slightly. The Buzil site in Memmingen is now net climate neutral. In 2023, we voluntarily offset 333,00 tonnesof CO2 e by financing myclimate climate protection projects, such as the renaturation of raised bogs in the La Gruère nature reserve. In 2022, the figure was 346.3 tonnes.

Click here to download our certificates

We have our sights set on the future and are optimising our CO2 footprint.

Here's how: 1. reduce energy consumption, but maintain or increase productivity. 2. use energy sources with a smallerCO2 footprint. Scopes are the key: they help us to identify and categorise different sources of emissions.

The categories Scope 1, 2 and 3 stand for this

Scope 1 =CO2 emissions directly on site (vehicle fleet, boiler)
Scope 2 = external energy supply (electricity, district heating)
Scope 3 = the entire supply chain

We reduced our CO₂ emissions by 68% within three years

Despite increasing production volumes, our emissions have continued to fall. Buzil fully offset Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2022 and 2023. The Memmingen site is now net climate neutral.

1.9 GWh down, over 41 per cent saved

Our corporate strategy is to completely reduce ourCO2 emissions to zero in three steps. We will achieve this by:

1. continuously reducing our own energy requirements

2. further increasing the already high proportion of renewable energies

3. offsetting the remainingCO2 emissions from Scope 1 and Scope 2

In 2023, we reduced our own energy requirements by 1.9 GWh compared to 2020. This means we were able to save over 41% energy with comparable capacity utilisation.

How we make waste smaller and the future bigger

We record a large number of key figures for waste, or rather recyclable materials, and set ourselves ambitious waste avoidance targets every year. We were able to reduce the amount of commercial waste generated by more than half between 2020 and 2023.

We increased our own production of renewable electricity

We expanded our PV system in 2023. The capacity more than doubled from 218 kW to 261 kW. This significantly increased the amount of PV electricity fed into the grid. With the current electricity mix, the 129 MWh fed into the grid corresponds to a saving of 136 tonnes ofCO2 equivalents (CO2 e). This is more than Buzil's Scope 2 emissions, which amounted to 122 tonnes. Scope 2 emissions stand for energy in the form of e.g. electricity, heat or cooling that was generated outside the organisation.

A thought experiment

In 2023, we fed in the same amount of electricity as is consumed by 78 people in Germany. This would have enabled Buzil to supply over 60 % of its workforce with green electricity.


Water is our most important raw material

We use it responsibly and continuously optimise our production processes. This enables us to keep our water consumption as low as possible. According to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, our production in Memmingen is located in an area with medium-high water stress (20-40%). Water stress measures the ratio of the total water requirement to the available renewable surface and groundwater resources.

Our goals:
Cooling water should be used in an internal cycle and no longer end up in waste water. The wastewater generated during the production of osmosis water is to be utilised as a raw material. Drinking water should no longer be used to rinse the bottling plants and should be replaced by well water wherever possible.



Bavarian Environmental and Climate Pact

By participating, we are reaffirming our commitment to sustainable development and environmental protection. This initiative, which is based on voluntary cooperation between the Bavarian state government and industry, reflects our long-term approach to offering environmentally friendly production methods and products.

We stepped on the gas and gave coal the boot

Goodbye, fossil fuels. Since 2020, neither gas nor coal has been an energy source we use. We switched to wood waste-fuelled district heating and 100% green electricity. Last but not least, we doubled the capacity of our photovoltaic system in 2023.

Electrifyingly clean: Buzil makes the vehicle fleet green

We use the photovoltaic system to charge the e-cars in our vehicle fleet, among other things. The bosses are setting a good example - their e-cars can already be seen at the company's own charging points. Since 2023, only company vehicles that run on electricity have been purchased.


Buzil keeps a critical eye on its supply chain

We use this approach to rank the countries that play a role in our business activities, particularly for purchasing and sales. 51 countries achieve a score between 51 and 70 and are categorised as critical (yellow). Buzil continues to do business in these countries, but will take a closer look in future. A further 93 countries are marked in red and 33 countries are not indexed. These will be removed from the supply chain if they have not already been removed.

Our supplier risk matrix

All suppliers of raw materials and materials are categorised in a risk matrix using a comprehensive questionnaire on topics such as the environment, quality, safety and social issues. The suppliers are categorised on the basis of scores comparable to a traffic light system. Green represents a low risk and red a high risk. The following table shows the number of suppliers per risk category.